Umm... Tom Cruise called Leah Remini ....apparently Scientology wants their Chior back!
Geeze...they must’ve stayed up all night, thinking up those lyrics!
seems like the genesis song jesus he knows me.. g..
Umm... Tom Cruise called Leah Remini ....apparently Scientology wants their Chior back!
Geeze...they must’ve stayed up all night, thinking up those lyrics!
this has to be more of "keeping the flock busy and excited" so as not to notice whats going on.. how did i miss this?????
the jehovah's witnesses announced plans to build a 1.5 million-square-foot audio-visual production center in upstate new york, two miles away from the witnesses' headquarters in warwick.
They’ve found themselves a money making side hustle. Supplying their 8 million built in customers with more propaganda videos with storylines that feature attractive, well dressed (scarf wearing) characters who live in professionally decorated homes in places where it’s always a sunny day (except when weak ones or worldly people become I involved in the story, then the lighting becomes dim, the colors dull and the actors suddenly aren’t quite as chipper or wholesome looking).
If each of the 8 million JWs buy one video for a $10 “donation”, they’ve made themselves 80 million dollars. Make a few of these videos each year and suddenly, Jehovah Of armies will lovingly tell them “no more messy printing, my people!!”
so if someone puts their life into serving the cult for free at bethel, then say after 25 or 30 years they are not able to for one reason or another such as illness, or family issue or old age, does the cult have any safety net for these people or is it you serve until you can't and when you can't you just go away?
A family member and his wife in their late 40's just left after 20+ years. While they were still there at Bethel, she gave her husband all of her vacation time so he could combine it with his own vacation time. He took time off using their combined vacation time and did handyman work locally and saved what he earned so they'd have a small nest egg to get a rental and to live on while they were getting jobs on the outside. Bethel allowed them to keep their medical coverage for a few months while they got themselves set up in another state.
That's it...they're on their own. Once they got where they were going, the local JW's paid them to do chores and pulled strings to get them low level jobs. Jehovah always provides.
erikson's stages of psychosocial development include this fifth stage:.
"the fifth stage of erik erikson's theory of psychosocial development is identity vs. role confusion, and it occurs during adolescence, from about 12-18 years.
during this stage, adolescents search for a sense of self and personal identity, through an intense exploration of personal values, beliefs, and goals.".
Growing up JW you identify and define yourself by the religion first and foremost. All the blanks are filled need to look elsewhere.
just one left, my sister.
i haven't talk to her in over 15 years.
the rest are all dead.. i'm not counting my ex wife and all her family.... .
We are not being fully shunned by family members but are definitely being marginalized my nearly all of them. Some have "unfriend" us from social media once they realized that we were no longer attending meetings.
My wife's aunt and uncle have never met their daughters husband and their 3 grandchildren (don't even know their names) and they haven't spoken to her and one of their sons for over 10 years simply because they walked away. At a large family gathering, everyone was sitting in a large group eating and talking. Things got mighty quiet when one of the old aunties intentionally asked them in front of everyone, what the names and ages of their grandchildren were. They couldn't answer and were mortified in front of all the non JW relatives who had all of their children and grandchildren present.
The old auntie didn't let them off the hook and chastised them for it saying "Cant imagine bringing children into this world and them abandoning them simply because they didn't take up my religion". It was something to see the look on this Elder and Regular Pioneer's faces as they were called out on their unloving behavior. There was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
did anyone else have a parent who could be described as highly narcissistic who was a jw?
how was that for you growing up?
which was worse - the narcissistic religion or the narcissistic parent?.
Did anyone else have a parent who could be described as highly narcissistic who was a JW? How was that for you growing up? Which was worse - the narcissistic religion or the narcissistic parent?
My Mom (bless her) tended to be motivated by what others thought of her and used us kids to make herself appear favorably in their eyes. Of course there was the notion that we'd live forever one day, but us giving talks, having parts in the meeting, going in service "placing" a lot of magazines and being well dressed at the meetings was mostly about her looking good in the eyes of others, in the here and now.
Like many, she was caught up in the JW idea that the whole world is watching us and enough is never enough. Knowing that everyone was watching each others works and that they were evaluating each others spirituality by them, mustn't have been easy on her own as a mother with an "unbelieving" mate. Nevertheless, it wasn't fun to be someones trained poodle.
if you do support sanctuary cities, would you be happy to live in one?.
hey, in the bible, sanctuary cities were acceptable, right?
My understanding of a U.S. Sanctuary City is that crime and criminals are not tolerated but individuals won't be sought out specifically because of their immigration status. They believe that's the Federal Government's job
Sanctuary cities aren't exactly welcoming illegal immigrants with open arms. The hope is that existing illegals will not be afraid to report crimes that they are aware of or have been victims of, use health facilities and enroll their children in schools, for fear of being deported.
Studies have shown that in sanctuary cities, there is still a general distrust of the government by illegals and the sanctuary status of the city they are in, has little effect on improving it's crime rate or it's economic situation.
I'm not sure why a local government wouldn't want to assist the federal government with enforcement of immigration laws of the country they are a part of and claim to support.
I don't imagine there is anywhere in the world where I could just sneak in with my family and somehow expect to put my kids in the local school and take advantage of the medical services etc and not be asked/told to leave ( I'd move to Tahiti if I could do that, LOL! )I'd expect that the lot of us would be apprehended and eventually deported. That would be part of the risk I took. Yet when people do this, rather than blame the parents for doing something highly illegal, there are those who criticize our government for enforcing it's laws and the problems that arise when the existing system becomes overwhelmed.
david gelernter, a famed yale university professor, has publicly renounced his belief in charles darwin’s theory of evolution, calling it a “beautiful idea” that has been effectively disproven.. article.
to whom it may concern: .
i am writing this letter in the hope of reconnecting with two jehovah’s witness elders whom i met at a literature display in downtown new braunfels, across the street from krause’s.
i explained to them that my daughter is a jehovah’s witness and, therefore, i am somewhat familiar with their beliefs.
They said they would have to do some research, and they promised to call at my home. They took note of my address, but I have never heard back from them.
After that conversation, they are probably no longer Jehovah's Witnesses.
i was ministered to by several different people at a jw funeral i attended today.
one older lady said to me, "you know the end is right around the corner, just look at the state of the world today".
i said, "well yes but that has been the mantra for decades, remember 'stay alive till '75'".
She then says, "well that never came from the governing body, that was local ones saying that".
Moster: ....and today, the "local ones" are approaching people at funerals and repeating the new mantra,
"the end is right around the corner".